- Should presidents be allowed to pardon people? - 9 votes - open
- Do you think kids should be allowed to have cell phones in school - 55 votes - open
- The Forest Preserve of Will County wants a $50 million bond sale to fund park improvements and purchase land. - 16 votes - open
- Do you support a second round of student loan forgiveness? - 10 votes - open
- On average how often do you dine out (including carry-out)? - 18 votes - open
- The iconic Gemini Giant statute is being auctioned. Should city tax dollars be spent to keep it in Wilmington? - 8 votes - open
- Should Illinois continue to operate as a santuary state? - 81 votes - open
- Should Illinois pass a proposed law that would give $70 monthly to poorest families to pay for diapers - 53 votes - open
- What's the minimum amount of cash you carry - 21 votes - open
- What do you feel is the top issue that should be addressed by Illinois candidates - 13 votes - open
- What is your opinion on assault weapons? - 36 votes - open
- What would be first on your wish list? - 70 votes - open
- Should U.S. military get involved with defending the Ukraine against Russia - 14 votes - open
- The Covid-19 vaccine is now available for children. Are you going to have your children get the shot? - 45 votes - open
- There were 14,800 Haitians living under a bridge at the Texas border. What should be done?? - 32 votes - open