Grundy Co. Land Use hosting electronic ewaste and shredding event
Grundy County Land Use Department will be hosting an electronic ewaste and shredding event on Saturday Sept. 16, 2023, at the parking lot north of the Grundy County Animal Control Facility from 8:00 AM to noon. The Grundy County Animal Control Facility is located at 310 East DuPont Road in Morris.
Fees will be applied for all TVs: $25/each for all TVs except projection. $50.00/TV Projection Size.
Other electronics will be accepted for free at the event. Please see our home page for more information at Grundy County Land Use Department. White goods, dehumidifiers, and air conditioners will not be accepted.
Please try and limit the number of shredding materials to two paper ream boxes. No plastics or metals are allowed in the paper shredding.
Gates will close at noon promptly, no exceptions.
Please feel free to call our office if you should have any questions for us at 815-941-3228.