Operation Firm Handshake a huge success

OVER 80 VOLUNTEERS contributed in putting on the 11th annual Operation Handshake veterans picnic on Saturday at the Coal City Area Club Pavilion. Here volunteers man grills cooking hamburgers and hot dogs.
It was a picture-perfect day Saturday for the 11th annual Operation Firm Handshake veterans picnic held under the pavilion at the Coal City Area Club.
“It turned out to be a wonderful day with ideal weather and a volunteer group that really loaned their support, said Scott Sines, vice president for the non-profit.
Illinois’ largest free veterans picnic this year attracted 1,280 veterans and their family members. Sines estimated there were 80 volunteers who setup and did the cooking that included a pig roast, grilled burgers andhot dogs and all types of homemade sides.
“We’ve kind of plateaued around 1,300 attendees over the past three years,” Sines said. “We’re always striving to attract more veterans and active service men and women.
He said it takes about $12,000 to fund the event and they couldn’t do it without the generous donations from area businesses.