Kiss the calf

AS PART OF its observance of National FFA Week, students enrolled in the Grundy Area Vocational Center's agriculture course held a week of activities at their attendance center and it included an assembly featuring a variety of games was highlighted by a penny wars contest that resulted in School Resource Officer Josh Nugent kissing a calf.
Coal City School District photo
The student body at Coal City High School joined the Grundy Area FFA organization in celebrating National FFA Week last week.
FFA is a youth-led career and technical education organization focused on the many aspects of agriculture.
The Grundy Area Chapter is comprised of students enrolled in the Grundy Area Vocational Center’s agriculture course taught by Brandy Biros. The course is taught at Coal City High School.
The celebration of National FFA Week consisted of a series of dress up days and activities that culminated with an assembly Friday morning. High school staff and students participated in the various events including tug of war, pie eating, relay and three-legged race.
Several staff members participated in a fundraiser for the organization and as a result School Resource Officer Josh Nugent had the pleasure of kissing a calf while Dean of Students Brad Boresi went nose-to-nose with a rabbit. Assistant Principal Corey Mikula took a pie to the face.
FFA was founded in 1925 and formally established as a national organization in 1928. There are currently 372 agriculture programs in the state of Illinois with an enrollment that tops 39,000 and an FFA membership of more than 42,0000.